
Change and transformation takes time.

Changing my own habits of mind, habits of speech, habits of behaviour and at the core my underlying belief systems and understanding of this world we live in and my place in it has been powerful and rewarding work.

It is work, and it can be incredibly confronting and challenging.

Courses over extended time periods with a group who can offer accountability and reflections from different perspectives are potent opportunities to learn, integrate and embody new practises, to re-create healthy habits that cultivate transformation and to make the changes necessary to create the life that you want to be living.

If you would like to be informed about upcoming offerings, please subscribe to the mailing list below or be in contact to find out more.

September 2024

Meditation & Internal Family Systems Therapy Group

Join a transformative 6-week journey of self-discovery and healing.

Course Overview
This 6-week course combines the practice of meditation with the principles of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy to help participants connect with their inner selves and heal internal conflicts. Through guided sessions and group discussions, you will learn how to navigate your inner world with compassion and clarity.

Course Schedule

  • Week 1: Introduction to Meditation & IFS
  • Week 2: Exploring the Self and Protective Parts
  • Week 3: Understanding Exiles and Healing Wounds
  • Week 4: Deepening the Meditation Practice
  • Week 5: Integrating IFS in Daily Life
  • Week 6: Group Reflection and Continuing the Journey

Meet Your Facilitator
Nicholas is a Level 2 trained IFS therapist and experienced meditation teacher with over 5 years of experience in guiding individuals through transformative journeys of self-discovery.

What You’ll Gain

  • Enhanced self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Tools to manage internal conflicts and emotional challenges
  • Improved mindfulness and meditation skills
  • A supportive community of like-minded individuals

How to Join
The course begins on September 10 and sessions will be held every Tuesday, 6.30pm – 9pm in person in Wilsons Creek, NSW. To sign up, please contact us via the contact details at the bottom of the page.


“The meditation course is extraordinary, it has added a depth to my relationships, to being present, to loving and opening my heart and increasing my ability to truly listen.

It amazes me how refreshed I feel after sitting in stillness with kind intentions.

Having an accountable community to learn and grow with has been incredibly supportive and I’ll take these friendships with me well into the future.

The space Nicholas holds for people to blossom is safe, respectful and gentle.

He is incredibly intuitive and encouraging to the group and to the individual.

I’m grateful for his guidance with leaning into the uncomfortable and finding peace with it.

I’m taking with me a new strength and resilience for life, a grace and kindness for people and a commitment to allocate time for meditation and reflection.”

– Tayla

“There has been a deepening here to see the thoughts and sensations more and more objectively, which allows for more space, calm and ease in moment-to-moment living and being. The way the different types of practices were laiud out during the program felt good. It felt like a complete and holistic process.

Nicholas holds space so softly and gently, there was a real comfort in sharing and a real ease in Nicholas’ sharings.

I would recommend this to anyone who is starting or wanting to deepen their meditation practice.”

– Sara

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