
Meditation: an ancient tool for developing awareness, insight and wisdom.

Meditation has been a cornerstone of my own personal development and spiritual growth. I have now practised meditation for over 10 years and have been meditating almost daily for the past 5 years. This has included multiple extended silent retreats, study and practise in a monastery in Burma and solo retreats in nature. Deepening into these ancient techniques and practices has not only expanded my awareness of self, illuminated patterns of my mind for transformation to occur and offered profound connection to nature and life, it has also offered me practical skills for relationships, navigating challenges in daily life, and living in alignment with my deepest values.

Modern science touts a huge range of benefits that arise with a regular meditation practice: from improved mood and mental health, greater sense of wellbeing, more meaningful relationships, reduced stress, to improved sleep, physical health, and reductions in chronic pain.

I will be offering workshops, retreats, and extended courses based around the foundation of meditation.

Please subscribe to the mailing list below if you would like to be notified of these offerings as they become available.

Please feel free to make contact if you would like personal guidance or instruction with meditation.

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